I am sitting here thinking and this overwhelming sense of sadness just filled my entire body, kind like a WHOOSH sensation. I don't know why this feeling waited until now to hit me, maybe it's because I was thinking of something to blog about, or maybe I've just let stuff build up inside me for so long, the WHOOSH was my body's way of telling me it's time to get rid of that stuff, or at least some of it. At first I thought maybe I was once again feeling sorry for myself, poor George, but I can tell you, that's not the reason I'm sad.
I was born in 1959 and raised in Poughkeepsie, New York until the age of 13 or 14. I really don't remember a whole lot of my youth in New York. I do remember hanging out with my cousin Rich, he was the big brother I never had. I also remember having fantastic tackle football games with my other cousin's at my Aunt Janet's and Uncle Jack's house. We moved quite often when I was younger, and never stayed in the same school more than a year or two. Then, when I was 13 or 14, my Mom and Dad moved us to Nashville, Tennessee. I loved Tennessee, besides being the center of attention at school for my Yankee accent, Nashville was just a great place to live. The southern hospitality and charm was present every where you went. Nashville was still small enough in the 1970's to be able to be on the street at 9pm and the only thing you had to worry about was whether or not you could pedal your bike faster than a dog could run. Fast forward to 2011, while Nashville still has bits and pieces of it's 1970's Southern charm, I don't think you'd want to ride a bike at 9pm. Don't misunderstand me, there are still parts of Nashville that are safe and retain the southern hospitality it is ever so famous for. Nashville has gotten too big for it's own good, population wise, it has become a mini Atlanta. The crime rate is outrageous and there are murders there at least a couple of times per week, sometimes more. Rare is it safe for a lady to walk through a Walmart parking lot unescorted. That's right, this is Nashville, Tennessee that I speak of, home of the Grand Ole Opry, and home to the Tennessee Titans.Another reason for the sadness. What in God's name has happened to our country? I have alot of the younger generation telling me, "things change, get used to it." Guess what younger generation, I wasn't born yesterday, I know things change, and I welcome change, when it's for the good of our country. I am still alive, and am still entitled to my opinion, some of the change that I'm seeing today , well, let's just say I'm glad I'm 53 years old. Hey, you want to go with the flow, and make change happen every time someone suggest's it, you go for it, it's your God given right, doesn't mean I have to, doesn't mean I'll agree with you, but I will respect your choice. All I know is that I miss those days being out at 9pm at night and people waving at you from their front porch. I miss the innocence, when a child of 13 or 14 didn't have to worry about walking down a street a night. Some things my family and friends, are better just to left alone. Until tomorrow. Love.
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