Wednesday, February 22, 2012


  I remember the days of school when we didn't have a care in the world.  I made it through elementary and junior high school without any real concerns, maybe a bully here or there, but nothing that really stands out in my memory.
High school was when things got a little shifty for me, I was a very ugly child while I attended high school, not that I consider myself a handsome adult now, but the point is I considered myself an exception to the ugly rule.  I had acne so bad in high school I didn't even want to go.  What would all of the other people think?  I didn't have one of those whitehead pimples every now and then, I had several whitehead pimples on a daily basis.  I would actually set time aside during my school day just to pop them.  I think my acne finally cleared up during my senior year.  Set aside my days of extreme insecurity from more pimples than usual to pop, I ultimatley had a good time during my school years.  I'm blessed enough to still be friends with some of the people I attended school with, and we to this day have some good, hearty laughs.
  So tell me, when is it that one finally reaches that moment, let's out a huge sigh of relief, gives their head a little shake, and realizes that they have finally come of age.  Now, let's think about the last three words of the last sentence.  When did you know?  Do you know yet?  Has it happened to you yet?  Will it ever happen to you?  What the heck is this guy talking about, "coming of age?"  Allow me to give my opinion of what coming of age means to me.  It may differ from your opinion, but that's ok by me, we're all entitled.
  To me, coming of age for me happened just recently, I mean very recently, found it's way into my heart.  It's a feeling of peace, of serenity.  At 53 years old, I have resigned to the fact, that this is about as good as it's going to get for me, and that's ok.  My name is George Kuchenmeister, I'm married to a woman who I feel is the prettiest gal around.  I've got three stepkids that love me, two grandkids that I love, and two of the best dogs a man could ask for.  I've got friends that call when I'm sick, friends that dont.  I've got family I talk to regularly, some I don't and probably never will.  But all that stuff, it's all ok.  This my little world, it's not perfect, but I am much better off than many people, and for that I give thanks.  You see coming of age to me is I've realized, I am who I am, take me or leave me, that's on you.  I no longer have to cast stones at other people to give me strength, I no longer criticize people for who they are or are not.  I've said I'm sorry to all the people I need to , if they accept my apology, or not, that's on them.  Coming of age is when your heart is finally at peace, true peace.  I'm happy with the road I've traveled, I have come of age.

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