I have been swishing this blog's subject matter around the old head for several day's now. It was going to be my FIRST BLOG EVER, but I just couldn't put it all together like I needed it to be. Some of you that read this blog are not going to need the explanation that I'm about to give, you knew me all so well during this brief, embarrasing period of my life.
This March 18th will have been twelve year's since the day I met my wife. I can look at her to this day and see something, something that is more beautiful about her from the day before. I never miss an opportunity to let Mickie know, to me, just how beautiful she is. If it wasn't for Mickie, I would not be sitting here writing this. Mickie must have sensed something in me to endure my few short year's of tirade's. The end result being that I know I'm a better husband to my wife because of her tolerance of my action's and my catching on that her tolerance wasn't going to last for ever.
Gentlemen, life's experience has brought me to you on this fine evening, I would like to briefly share a couple of thing's that this old boy learned the really hard way. All of us guy's have had our heart's broken at one point in our live's, we all know that we don't want to experience that crap again.
1. Jealousy stop's now. If your mate want's to do you wrong, they will find a way. The key is having a relationship so they have no desire to be any one's arm's but your's. Being jealous all the time will lead your wife in to the arm's of another a whole lot quicker than you may think. I have a strong suspicion that your wife will love the non jealous you way better than the the other choice.
2. DO NOT TAKE YOUR MATE FOR GRANTED!!!---I put those word's in cap's because taking a person, any person, not just your mate for granted is awful. Just because you've been together for year's doesn't mean a lady no longer feel's the need to be treated like a lady. Car door's, flower's, note's, be silly if you must, but never let your lady doubt for one minute that your as sincere now about you're love for her as the day you met her.
Fella's it's not hard, I have learned that love is a never ending learning process, and I like it that way!! I, for one can not stand to see my best friend's spirit hurt in any way. Mickie, because of this blog's title, I know you'll read it. I know I'm the luckiest man alive, I love, I cherish you and I know I'm a blessed man. Until tomorrow. Love.
1 comment:
Glad you made it through that rough patch, and good advice. Hard to believe all that's happened in those 12 years!
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