Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Death Penalty--Yes or No?

February 15, 2012

  Welcome to my first night of discussing various topics.  You may not agree with my point of view on certain subject matter, but's that's perfectly ok.  The more you readers comment on my blog, the more we can all learn from it by researching whether or not a comment is factual, or just a bunch of garbage.  On my blog, "Science of my Mind," you can agree to disagree.  Today's topic, the death penalty.  Ever since I was a young man, I've had mixed feelings about this subject.  On one hand, I think it's hypocritical for murdering someone by turning around and murdering the murderer,  I know, I know, I can hear it  now, "an eye for an eye," with that idealogy, if we always used that form of punishment, eventually we would all be blind.  On the other hand, what else do we do with these lowest forms of criminal human life?  Let them live in the luxury of prison, being cared for at the taxpayer expense for so long as they should live?  You see, this is where my mixed feelings come in.  I've also heard of men being executed that were proven later to be innocent by DNA matches.  Here's a few facts, I'm usually not one for graphs, numbers and lists, I do make the occasional exception.

States Without the Death Penalty (Year Abolished in Parentheses)
Alaska (1957)--Hawaii (1957)--Illinois (2011)--Iowa (1965)--Maine (1887)--Massachusetts (1984)--Michigan (1846)--Minnesota (1911)--New Jersey (2007)--New Mexico (2009)--New York (2007)--North Dakota (1973)--Rhode Island (1984)--Vermont (1964)--West Virginia (1965)--Wisconsin (1853)
ALSO--District of Columbia (1981)

States With the Death Penalty--Alabama-Arizona-Arkansas-California-Colorado-Conneticut-Delaware-Florida-Georgia-Idaho-Indiana-Kansas-Kentucky-Louisiana-Maryland-Mississippi-Missouri-Montana-Nebraska-Nevada-New Hampshire-North Carolina-Ohio-Oklahoma-Oregon-Pennsylvania-South Carolina-South Dakota-Tennessee-Texas-Utah-Virginia-Washington-Wyoming---ALSO U.S. Govt.---U.S. Military

  You see, I'm not the only person who has mixed feelings in this subject.  In 1972 the Death Penalty was put on hold because it had been ruled unconstitutional, in 1976 the Death Penalty was reinstated, although the first execution after reinstatement wasn't until 1977.  The state of Texas has performed more executions than any other state since the resumption of the death penalty in 1976, prior to that Virginia had led the nation.  It surprised the heck out of me that hanging is still an option for execution in two states, New Hampshire and Washinton State-WOW!!!  Oh yes, the first execution for 2012 was today at 6pm in Florida, Robert Waterhouse had been on death row for thirty one years for the rape and beating death of a young Tampa Bay lady.

  See everyone, the more I hear and read about this stuff, the less sympathy I feel and the more I want these freaks to fry.  What do you think?

  Last execution in 2011 in America was on November 18 in the state of Idaho.  In 1988, a scumbag by the name of Paul Rhoades walked into a convenience store with three people inside. He shot and killed the two employees instantly.  He grabbed the customer, a thirty four year old school teacher, brought her out to his van and raped her. Paul Rhoades then shot this poor lady NINE times, then he CONTINUED raping her.  Now I'm furious, why, how was this man not toasted instantly by our justice system???   How can we allow a person capable of such atrocities be allowed to live even one minute after conviction?  What if he were to escape?  Lord have mercy.

  I tried to present both sides of the coin here.  I suppose if we don't have certain justice system guidelines in place for everyone, then we could have vigilante groups roaming the streets to dish out whatever punishment they feel is needed.   Like anything, our justice system has flaws, I don't think it will ever be perfect, we'll just always have people questioning why the system we have in place works for some, but not for others.
  Feel free to post any comments or opinions you have on this matter. Until tomorrow everyone.  Love.

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