Sunday, February 5, 2012


  Happy Sunday everyone.  I appreciate those of you continuing to follow my blog, "Science of my Mind." What I hope to accomplish with my blog is to reach as many readers as possible basing my blogs strictly on the human experience.  We all have lessons that we've learned through out the course of our short years on earth that can passed down from generation to generation.  Whether or not the generation that proceeds us will take heed of our life experience, or toss it by the wayside is strictly of their own doing.  Now in my early fifties, I have realized that a great majority of the lifes lessons that my Mom and Dad tried to teach me in hopes of making me a responsible young man, well, those lessons have finally sunk in.  While a teen, I always thought that my parents had some underlying agenda of making my life as difficult and miserable as possible, never thinking for even one second that they were just doing their job as parent's, and readying me for life after home.  Yes, it took me until my early fifties to finally admit, my parents were right.

  The year is 2012, I now sit in the front seat of my car repeating the teachings and life lessons that my parents had handed down to me some forty years earlier.  The kind ears that were the recipient of what I thought of as sharing my wisdom was a nice young lady that would never hurt my feelings by saying what I now assume she was thinking, "Old man, shut-up."  I sounded like my parents. OMG!!!  I swore to my self all through out my teen years, that the one thing I would NEVER EVER do was to sound like my parents, but there I was, rattling off the "do this," don't do that," and I've been there and through that,"
  The point I'm trying to make is that even though the times are changing, the fact is that teenagers will, as through all of history, remain the smartest and wisest people on the planet. When you finally become parents, you will lose all of the wisdom and lessons that you learned through those wisdom building years as teens and become the people that you swore you never would.  I promise, it's going to happen.  I wish know that I would have taken most of my parents advice, I had no idea at the time that they were actually not trying to ruin my life beyond any type of repair, they actually had my best interest at heart.  "I don't know what's wrong with teens today," has been quoted for more years than we know, and I'm almost positive, for generations to come.  Until tomorrow.  Love


Doug said...

“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished by how much he'd learned in seven years.” - Mark Twain

Moonshadow said...

The quote I always heard was, the more things change, the more they stay the same. :)