Monday, February 6, 2012


  Today is my birthday.  Fifty three years old.  Make's a man stop for just a second.  Family and friend's, time is valuable. Life, the years, they go so quickly, cherish them, enjoy them.  Your family, children and friends, they are all indeed, blessings.  Let me be one of the first to wish my cousin Rich, a Happy Birthday, his is tomorrow on the 7th, hopefully, that's when he's reading this.  I always thought growing up that it was the coolest thing for my first cousins birthday to be one day after mine, even though a few years separate us, we've always held on to that special birthday bond. 
  Look, I'm a realist. I know, that if I don't do something with this blog, and fast, it's going to end up in my family and friends "read no more" category.  I don't want that to happen.  I love writing and sharing, it has always been a passion of mine, and now that I have disabilities, the last thing I want to do is sit in a rocking chair waiting to die, I want to write.  My blog is my way of staying in touch with all of you.  It's next to impossible for me to come up with a new, fresh blog on a daily basis, today alone, I've spent several hours thinking, what can I blog about tonight?  Dead end, had a few lights go off, but nothing blog worthy.
  What I've decided to do, to bring my "Science of my Mind" blog back to life is to keep a very detailed diary of my day's event's and then present them to you, the reader, in a way that I hope and pray keeps you interested.  Please, hang in there with me.  I have a very unique source of contributors for my new concept.  You will meet them periodocally during the course of my blogging.
  There are times, when I'm suffering from a case of the poor me's, I stop for just a moment, I reflect, I get my head back on straight.  I don't care how bad I have it, there's a million people out there that have it a whole lot worse than I do.   One benefit I have that I hold sacred and very dear to my heart are my faith, my family and my friend's.  Without you this blog wouldn't be worth writing.  I've said before, and hopefully with my new format, I will not only be able to connect to those I hold dear, but relay to a new audience as well. 
    I hope every one has a productive day tomorrow, please, if you can find the time, I'd appreciate it if you would tune back in to my blog tomorrow afternoon or evening to see what's going on in the "Science of my Mind."  Until tomorrow.  Love.

1 comment:

Moonshadow said...

Another interesting bit of useless info that we have in common other than our birthdays, I have a cousin that was born the day before a couple years younger.

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