Wednesday, February 8, 2012


February 8, 2012

  Two days in a row now to be awakened at 5:30 am.  Here of late, this is a world's record for me.  I should be standing high on the podium, with the 2nd and 3rd place awakener's on each side of me, the applause drowning out the announcer as I bend over for them to place the gold medal around my neck.  The category being "People who get up at 5:30 am two days in a row, I am the champion.  Once again, it was the sweet sound of my wife's voice waking me.  If there were an alarm clock that had my wife's voice saying "George, it's 5:30 am, time to get up, I would be the first in line to buy it.  Today my rising early was for a completley different reason than yesterday.  My grandson Anthony spent the night last night.  When my wife has to work at 7 am, Anthony and I bring her to work, then we head to Walmart in Neenah to continue the tradition I started with him several months ago.  I place him in the cart, push my grandson around Walmart for about an hour as he asks me "What's that?", inquiring about each of the several hundreds of thousands of items that Walmart carries.  If there is an item bearing the Scooby Doo logo or trademark, my grandson can spot it from several hundred feet away, behind shelves and underneath piles of other toys. 
  After walking until my legs and feet ache, it's time to check out what ever Anthony was able to win me over with the "I love you Papa" look that he knows melt the old mans heart until I buy it for him.  As long as his items aren't over the two or three dollars my wife leaves me, we head to the check-out.  From the check out, it's to the car, from the car starts the two mile journey home from Walmart to our apartment.  Now normally, on a regular day, when I'm by myself, it takes me about five minutes to get home, traffic included.  With Anthony as my passenger, he ask's me about all years, makes and models of every passenger car, pick up truck, cement truck, garbage truck and tractor trailer that frequent the roads of Neenah, Wisconsin.  I had to purchase a Chilton book of all vehicles (LOL) to keep up with the question and answer  sessions that my grandson initiates.  So my five minute trip turns into a twenty minute trip by the time I get all the answer's to all of the "What's that?" questions that my grandson thrust's upon me as I drive through the streets of Neenah.
   I suppose the point that I'm trying to bring home is that February 8, 2012, has turned out to be a pretty, darn good day.  Not a whole lot happened, I did get up early, continued a few tradition's with my grandson that I can only hope he remembers when I'm finally gone from this earth.  I don't think there will ever be a day to pass when hearing my grandson call me Papa won't melt my heart.
  To the outside world looking in, George Kuchenmeister had a pretty ordinary day, but for George Kuchenmeister, the day meant the world.  I'm a blessed man.  Until tomorrow.  Love.

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